





Brazil Tour 2008

Make a donation of any amount to the Sambadende Brazil Film Project here


Brazil Tour 2008

Brazil Tour/Documentary Film
Fundraiser Party!!!
November 16, 2007, 8pm-Midnight
Rembrandt Yards
1301 Spruce St., Boulder, CO

Come celebrate a night of Brazilian music/dance and support our film project!!!

About the film....
On January 1, 2008, the Boulder-based band Sambadende will embark on a 3 week journey by bus through Brazil. A small film crew, lead by award-winning documentary film maker Dana Bartle, will join the band and document the journey, the music of Brazil, and the underlying story of the value of cultural identity in the human experience.

Music by Sambadende and DJ Justin Thyme
silent auction, samba dancers,
and more....
Wine and cocktails provided by Bookcliffe Winery ($5/glass)
Tickets $15
Available online or at the door.

Can't make it to the party but want to help make the project a reality? Make a donation of any amount here.

More about the film......

On January 2, 2008, Sambadendê will embark on a 2 week journey by bus through Brazil, from Rio de Janeiro to Salvador da Bahia, to Recife and small towns in the Northeast.

A small film crew will join us and document the story of a travelling band of gringos performing roots Brazilian music and playing with groups from numerous regional cultures. As we meet and play with the musicians along the way, we will invite many of them to join us on our journey, thus creating a melting pot of Brazilian culture and a very musical bus roaming through the remote roads of northern Brazil. Leading the film crew will be award-winning documentary film maker Dana Bartle. Here are two clips of Dana's previous work:

Blind Faith
Shadows of Guilt

The intended message of the film is to explore the value of cultural identity in the human experience. Through our interactions with musicians in Brazil, most of whom play purely for the enjoyment and the community it generates, we will reflect on why many Brazilians live with so much joy and have such great pride in their culture. Why is it that in this nation of such incredible poverty the people are 4.3 times less likely to commit suicide than their amercian counterparts. What is the true meaning of wealth and is it something we can generate from within? The themes of community, simplicity, and cultural identity will be evident throughout our journey.

Equally important will be the stunning landscapes and the beautiful music that we encounter along our way. From the classic samba sounds of Rio and the power of Samba Reggae in Bahia, to the rootsy rhythms of jongo, coco, maracatú, and forró, we will capture the diversity and wealth of Brazilian music. The film will also demonstrate the positive effect that culture plays in the lives of many children in Brazil.

More info regarding the project and those taking part will be added here soon.

The first Brazil Tour fundraiser is scheduled for September 21, 2007 in Boulder. If you would like to know more about the tour or fundraising parties, contact us at sambadende@hotmail.com.

Tentative Route


Samba at The Yard

Brazil Tour Fundraiser! November 16, 2007, at Rembrandt Yard in Boulder.


Purchase now online!
More Info

With support from

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